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Zasedanje Komisije za droge pri OZN bo med 12. in 14. aprilom – aktivnosti Pompidou skupine

Tako kot v preteklih letih, tudi letos Pompidoujeva skupina sodeluje na zasedanju Komisije za droge (CND) –  glavni organ Združenih narodov za oblikovanje politike na področju drog.

Med zasedanjem, ki bo potekalo med 12. in 16. aprilom, bo predsednik Pompidoujeve skupine João Castel-Branco Goulão podal izjavo.

Ob tej priložnosti bo Pompidoujeva skupina organizirala glavni dogodek in soorgnizirala pet stranskih dogodkov, ki bodo potekali na spletu v angleškem jeziku.

Dogodki so namenjeni nacionalnim delegacijam, ki bodo sodelovale na zasedanju, oblikovalcem politike, akademikom, izvajalcem in drugim, ki jih zanima področje prepovedanih drog.


Več informacij je dostopnih na spletni strani Pompidou skupine  in na strani Session 64 of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (


  1. 12.4.2021 od 13:10 do 14:00 ure:  “Placing human rights at the heart of drug policies – the Pompidou Group’s 50th anniversary” (organised by the Council of Europe with the support of Portugal and Poland);
  2. 13.4.2021 od 13:10 do 14:00 ure: “Prevention in everyone’s pocket: discover the possibilities on-line“ (organised by Lithuania with the support of Japan, Norway and the Council of Europe);
  3. 13.4.2021, od 14:10 do 15:00 ure: “Education: a gateway to social reintegration” (organised by Greece with the support of the Council of Europe);
  4. 14.4.2021 od 13:10 do 14:00 ure: “Promoting Attitudes and Actions that Reduce Stigmatisation of Drug Use and Drug Addiction” (organised by Malta with the support of Canada and the Council of Europe);
  5. 14.4.2021 od 13:10 do 14:00 ure: “Human Rights in Action: Implementing the International Guidelines on Human Rights & Drug Policy“ (organised by the Office of the High-Commissioner for Human Rights with the support of Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Malta, Mexico, Portugal, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Uruguay, and the Council of Europe, the International Center on Drug Policy, the United Nations Development Programme and the World Health Organization);
  6. 15.4.2021 od 09:00 do 09:50 ure: “Promoting evidence-based drug policies and interventions enshrined in human rights in Europe” (organised by the Association Proyecto Hombre with support of Portugal and Spain, and the Council of Europe, the European Union and the European Union Civil Society Forum on Drugs).

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